Jake Zimmermann Admitted to Mental Health Facility

Jake goofing around at 4 years old

Four year-old Jake goofing around

I have some sad news about my son, Jake Zimmermann. This morning, around 9:30 AM I admitted Jake into a mental health facility in Portland, OR. In his early 20’s Jake began to exhibit signs of mental illness. And although he’s been hospitalized numerous times, he’s never been arrested or harmed anyone. While Jake never talks about his mental illness, he specifically asked me to tell his friends. He wants you to know how much your kind words of support have given him strength to get well and continue with his ministry, stronger than ever.

On a personal level. Below are some of the comments Jake has had to deal with. While he is skilled at deflecting criticism, you can see how such unkind words would affect such a sensitive soul.


Carol Zimmermann

Harsh FB 1

Harsh FB 2

Harsh FB 3

P.S. While there were a lot of harsh comments, Jake was encouraged by the kind words from those who cared.

nice comment

kind words


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