Sign the Purity Pledge

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“It’s always interesting to me when people say, ‘I’m not gonna’ have sex until I really love the person.’ To me that’s kinda’ like saying ‘I’m not gonna’ rob the bank until I really need money.'”
-Amber Haskew, Day of Purity coordinator

February 14th is Valentine’s Day. At least it was until 2004, when Liberty Counsel replaced the morally bankrupt holiday with “Day of Purity.” Now, February 14th is a day for Christians all over America to take a stand for Purity. We don’t have to buckle under the pressure of our sexually perverse culture. Together, we can lock arms and fight back by letting our voices be heard. To accomplish this, on February 14th, I encourage you to:

1. Wear an abstinence shirt, a purity shirt, or a white shirt to represent purity.
2. Show your commitment to purity by signing the Purity Pledge (below).
3. Make a public declaration by posting online a signed copy of the Purity Pledge.
4. Spread the word and encourage others by printing copies of your signed Purity Pledge and giving them to family, friends, churches, and future spouses.

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Students holding purity pledges and T-shirts promoting “Day of Purity.”

Please follow my example. On February 14th I will be doing numbers 1-4 (above) and posting my signed copy of the Purity Pledge on my Facebook page and on Purity Project Facebook page.

Before reading the Purity Pledge, I hope you’ll reflect on the following words of wisdom:
“You don’t need an outlet for sexual expression, you need more of God.”
Danna Gesh, author of Lies Young Women Believe, founder of Pure Freedom and Secret Keeper Girl

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The video below shows a young man making an ANTI-abstinence pledge. Please pray for him.


How has your life changed since you signed the Purity Pledge?  How has your relationship with your family, friends, church, and/or future spouse changed since you gave them a signed copy of the Purity Pledge? Did I leave something off the Purity Pledge? If so, send me a message

Happy Valentine’s Day of Purity,
Jake Z

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