About Me

I’m Jacob “Jake” Johann Zimmermann and I was born in Pulaski, Tennessee on September 1st, 1984.

Before Jesus

Me (unsaved sinner) at six years old (Photo taken by/at: I don’t remember)

Now I live with my mom in Portland, Oregon.

Me (saved) at 30 years old

Me (saved) at 30 years old (Photo taken by my mom in her garage)

Influences (in no particular order):

Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great

Bruce Lee, Bill Gates, Benny Hinn, Brittni RuizIsaac Newton, Lebron James, Neil Armstrong, Albert Einstein, Dale Earnhardt, Christopher Columbus, Teresa Carey, Evel Knievel, Warren Buffet, Jeanne Louise Calment, Sid Roth, Martin Luther King Jr, Patricia King, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Johnathan “Fatal1ty” Wendeltigers, Samson,Reindhard BonkkeKing Solomon, Deion Sanders, Plato, Michelangoangels, Randy Couture, Adam, T-RexBob Marley, Mother Theresa, and Rambo

Hobbies (in no particular order):

Laying on of hands

Laying on of hands (Image found at lds.org)

Boogie boarding, darts, saving souls, paintball guns, exorcising demons, table tennis, drums, playing Xbox, speaking in tongues, watching MMA, words of knowledge, tattoo magazines, Israel, impartations, riding roller coasters, healing people, dubstep, raising the dead, laser-light shows, slam dunking, revivals, dinosaurs, jacuzzis, the batting cage, and baptisms (w/ water and/or the Holy Spirit)

 Favorite foods (in no particular order):

Turkey pot pie

Turkey pot pie

Cheese Cake Factory, Honey Smacks, Sbarro’s Pizza, candy corn, biscuits & gravy, Dutch Bros, mozzarella sticks, Mamba, pretzel dogs, S’mores, KFC, Super King Buffet, toffee, Chang’s Mongolian Grill, Monster Energy drinks, pancakes, Arby’s, root beer floats, beef jerky, licorice, Eucharist, eggnog, onion rings, ranch dressing, salt water taffy, hamburger, and desserts (all of them except gingerbread)


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