
“Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons. Freely ye have received, freely give.” Matthew 10:8 NIV

healing pic After I prayed for this guy, his stump grew one inch (Image taken by Jake Zimmermann)

Healing/Miracle Testimonies

I was in a financial mess when Jake approached me at Washington Square Mall. He bought me a Jamba Juice then asked if I was interested in a miracle. I needed one bad. So I told him how all my credit cards were maxed out, I was low on cash, and my VW Passat car payment was almost 30 days past due. Jake laid his hands on my shoulders as he prayed for me. Then he commanded Satan to give back what he stole from me. The next day when I checked the mail, I received a credit card with a $2,500 limit. I was so excited that I gave my life to Jesus. Jake you are awesome!

-Julie from Beaverton, Oregon

I have been in and out of mental institutions for 10 years from my schizophrenia-induced psychosis. I told Jake about my problem and he prayed over me. Then he commanded the demon of mental illness to leave. The demon obeyed Jake and I was immediately healed of my schizophrenia! I ran home and threw out my medication. It’s only been a couple days but I feel great and I am closer to God than I have ever been and last night he told me I am called to be a missionary. I can’t wait to share my testimony at church on Sunday! I totally recommend Jake and God.

-David from Portland, Oregon

For years I have suffered from severe anxiety and depression. This Christmas was especially hard for me. I had a great deal of anxiety just thinking about going to the mall to buy Christmas presents for my family. The Sunday before Christmas, after church, Jake noticed me being out of sorts and offered to pray for me and my chronic condition. Just another healing prayer I thought but Jake seemed so sincere. When I got to the mall, I drove past the long line of filled parking spaces near the front, thinking I would have to park at the back of the lot. All of a sudden I saw a white backup light on one of the cars right in front of Nordstrom’s. To my astonishment, no one was there to grab it but me. Immediately my anxiety disappeared and I was able to enjoy my shopping experience for a change. Jake’s prayer did it! Since then my depression is back but my anxiety has dropped quite a bit. PTL!

-Beth from Tigard, Oregon

I was addicted to pot off and on for 20 years when I met Jake. He had received a word of knowledge where God told him I was a drug addict. I immediately broke down and told him about my problem with pot. Then Jake prayed over me then snapped his fingers. The second he snapped his fingers I was delivered from my addiction. What’s really cool is God spared me the withdrawals. It’s been over a week, which doesn’t seem long, but I haven’t had this much clean time in over 6 months! Thanks to Jake, I’ve been cured!

-Steve from Milwaukie, Oregon

I was homeless and needed money for a hotel. Jake laid his hands on me then prayed for a miracle. He then gave me $2.00. I used the money to play a video poker game. I won $40.00 enough for a hotel and a hamburger! Jesus is pretty cool. Thanks Jake, I owe you one.

-Brynn from Portland, Oregon

Have you been healed by me or do you know someone who’s been healed by me? If so, I’d love to hear from you or from the person you know who I healed.


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